Research the funding interest of the foundation and guidelines before applying. Your request should line up with the type of support and geographic area Reynolds helps.
Review past amounts awarded so you are in line with what the foundation is currently donating.
Familiarize yourself with the application process, including timetable and preferred method of initial contact. Some funders require a letter of intent, or pre-application form. We do not have any of those requirements.
Know the needs of your organization and how they line up with our objectives.
Know the number of clients served in our geographic region and the total number of clients served by your organization.
If your need is for an ongoing purpose, note in the application how it will be funded in the future.
Know how much your project/purchase costs and how much you are requesting from the specific funding source. Make sure your numbers tie into the request on the grant application.
Word your application in a way that will tug on the heart strings of the reader. Paint the picture of what you want the money for.
Clearly emphasize how the grant will be used. Be specific and provide as much detail as possible and include past success of the program.
Include all required attachments and documentation. We only accept grant applications and attachments via email.
Have someone else read over the application checking for errors and clarity. If your reader is not clear on what you are requesting, chances are the grant screening members will not understand.
Invite trustees to a site visit. Make certain your agency’s Executive Director and/or Board President are present for the visit. If funded and you have a large project, invite the trustees to an on-site visit during the project and upon completion of the project.
Keep the foundation in the loop as to what is happening at your organization. Keep them informed, especially of the progress you are making with your project if it spans a length of time.
Make certain you use the grant money for the purpose it was awarded. If you have leftover money, contact the foundation about returning the unused money.
Don’t take it personally if your request is denied. Resubmitting later is usually acceptable.