Upselling and Customer Communication

Your tech does a great inspection. He diagnoses the customer complaint and finds two additional jobs. Pricing is competitive and you have the parts in stock. You call the customer to get approval and after one ring, it goes to voicemail. You don’t get a call back until 3:30. How do you get vehicles through the shop when you can’t get work approved? And what upsell opportunities are falling off the table?

What if you could…

  • Allow customers to approve recommended work from their mobile device, no matter their location?
  • Send pictures and videos to the customer to help them better understand the recommended repairs?
  • Present customers the status of their vehicles automatically while they are in the waiting room?
  • Speed up customer responsiveness by communicating using their preferred method?

Here’s How

Status Board for Service

How many customers waiting in line are simply wondering about the status of their vehicle? This shouldn’t be a task your cashiers or even service advisors need to spend time on. Let them get back to more important work while Status Board for Service automatically updates customers right from the waiting room with their vehicles’ status as it moves through the service process.

  • Keep customers informed of their vehicle status with automatic updates.
  • Status shown can fit the way you do business with customizable fields.
  • Increase service and parts sales by showing advertisements for specific services, parts, and even specials personalized to your dealership.
A screen showing vehicle statuses using the Status Board for Service.

Waiting on customers to approve work can be one of the biggest waiting games. With eApproval, your customers can approve or decline recommended work with the click of a button from wherever they are using their phone. Customers receive repair descriptions using any images or videos taken during the multipoint inspection, along with descriptions of the repairs to help them better understand what it is and why it is needed.

  • Speed up approval times by sending recommended work directly to your customer’s phone.
  • Help customers understand the recommendations and see the value by attaching photos and videos of their vehicle taken during the multipoint inspection.
  • Record approved and declined work automatically for easy follow-up.
  • Give customers access to their electronic report card online.
Three phones showcasing the eApproval software for dealerships
Text Messaging for ERA®

When your advisor texts a customer, are you confident the customer opted in?  And when the advisor is off tomorrow and the customer has a question about the work done, how do you see the text conversation? Easily send custom and automated text messages to your service customers directly from ERA-IGNITE or a mobile device. All messaging is backed up and stored for easy tracking and reference.

  • Improve communication and speed up response times by texting customers instead of calling.
  • Use templates to provide fast and consistent messaging to customers.
  • Automatically send internal alerts to employees to notify them of customer replies.
  • Stay on top of all conversations with a customer with automatic conversation tracking.
Consumer texting a dealership on her cell phone.
ConsumerReach Plus

Consumers have come to expect modern, mobile-friendly emails personalized to their service experience at your dealership. ConsumerReach Plus is a customer communication solution that allows you to send professional and clean emails to customers, giving them information and updates about their service visits. You can customize the emails to your preferred messaging and branding and send them automatically based on system triggers or ad-hoc at any time.

  • Create emails faster by using templates that auto-fill with customer and service information.
  • Generate numerous types of emails automatically with information such as vehicle progress information or appointment reminders.  
  • Embed hyperlinks within the email to view PDF documents, such as multipoint inspections or invoices, online.
  • Promote dealership branding with custom messages, logos, and color palettes.
Person on phone using ConsumerReach Plus to email dealership
Targeted Marketing for Advanced Service

Your technician does a great inspection and finds a radiator and serpentine belt need replaced, but when your advisor recommends the work, the customer declines.  The work clearly needs done, but you never see the customer again.  It’s a frustrating scenario – why waste time on the inspection if it doesn’t get you more work? Targeted Marketing for Advanced Service tracks declined service recommendations and sends tailored follow-ups to effectively drive customers back to you.

  • Increase your dealership’s customer lifetime value with a consistent process to bring back incomplete repair work.
  • Leverage Vehicle Report Card results from Advanced Service to schedule follow-up messages depending on the urgency of service.
  • Create multiple chances to capture additional repair opportunities and boost profits in the service department.
  • Track which customers return for service and exactly how much additional revenue is generated.

Recapturing Declined Service Opportunities with Targeted Marketing

Fixed operations should be a dealership’s most reliable source of profit and loyalty. So why do they often fail to capitalize? 

Advisors juggle a dozen tasks, and technicians lose time waiting on approved recommendations and parts. But your dealership did something about that. You installed Advanced Service from Reynolds and Reynolds. With better efficiency, your drive takes on more work, sees more customers, and increases profits. 

But here’s a reality check: customers are still turning down service recommendations, leaving a huge opportunity gap in your profitability. 

Rewind back to the busy advisor. Advanced Service gives him the resources to recommend services, but he still struggles to manually follow-up with customers who reject them. 

Even with time for follow-up, over half of the customer information in your DMS is incorrect. But we clean your data, helping you talk to the right customers about the right services. Personalized email and direct mail bring customers back for the services they declined. And when they do, it’s easy to reopen the tech’s recommendations from their last visit. The best part? It’s all completely automatic!

Advisors no longer waste time and money contacting customers who will never act on your messages. Customers return to the tech who recommended the work, validating their recommendation and the Advanced Service process. And your dealership sees higher profits and CSI scores by sending relevant and timely offers. 

Dealerships using data-inspired marketing become profit powerhouses, seeing increased response rates and gross profit per repair order. Imagine what those numbers could mean for your dealership.

What can you experience:

“Transparency is the cost of admission today, and without solutions like Advanced Service, eApproval, and Service Snap, you’re not giving your customers the experience they expect from you.”

“Before, customers were continually interrupting the service advisor to ask about their car. Now with Status Board they don’t have to which is a HUGE time saver for us!”

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