
Improve your dealership’s decision making with a reporting tool designed for profitability.

It’s the beginning of the month, and you’ve just sat down to review a stack of reports on how your dealership did last month. It’s hard to make decisions based on past data, and you continually feel one step behind.

ReverseRisk is an easy-to-read reporting dashboard that gives you the real-time data you need to make timely decisions that will positively impact your business. It spans every department, and even multiple stores, to combine all your data points into one analysis platform so you aren’t making decisions based on half facts.

Automotive dealership salesman showing customer ReverseRisk on tablet

Benefits of ReverseRisk

Man accessing ReverseRisk on desktop
  • Accuracy
    Combine all your data, across all your employees, departments, and stores, for a complete and accurate picture of your dealership or group’s performance.
  • Productivity
    Use transparency and accountability tools to improve employee productivity.
  • Prediction
    Use forecast reporting to predict future profits and losses and make any necessary adjustments before it’s too late.
  • Clarity
    See a clear picture of contracts-in-transit including which lenders fund the fastest and which F&I managers aren’t using them.

Store Dashboard

View your variable, fixed, and overall store summary from one easy-to-use dashboard rather than hunting for each piece of information.

ReverseRisk Hotspot Image - Store Summary

Actual vs. Forecast

A quick way to compare current dealership statistics with what is being forecast based on current trends.

ReverseRisk Hotspot Image - Actual v Forecast

CIT Intel Reporting

Reduce your CIT time and improve your cash flow with proactive tracking.

ReverseRisk Hotspot Image - Days to Fund

What can you experience:

“ReverseRisk’s user interface allows us to view factory receivables, contracts-in-transit, notes that have been added to a deal, and critical business information in one single place. I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to have all that information at our fingertips.”

Related Resources

3 Keys to Reporting Success

ReverseRisk Fuel image

Contact Us

What’s next

After clicking submit, a specialist will contact you shortly to discuss your needs. We value your privacy and will not share your information with other third-party providers.

Prefer to call?

Sales: 800.767.7879

Document Services: 800.344.0996

POWER Support: 800.999.6348

Technical Assistance Center: 800.767.0080