Manhattan Beach Toyota ReverseRisk Time Savings Testimonial

Brad Sperber is the owner at Manhattan Beach Toyota in Manhattan Beach, California.

“Prior to ReverseRisk, I would come in. I would run the daily operating doc for parts, the daily operating doc for service, the effective labor rates for each advisor. I’d run the sales doc for the month-to-date, the sales doc for the day before. It was a half a day process getting all your reports so you knew exactly where you stood for the day.

With ReverseRisk, I would say I’m easily saving a couple hours a day.

We’ve been using ReverseRisk maybe a little over a year. Absolutely the most beneficial would be the salesperson performance report where it will actually tell you how long it’s been since a person has sold a car. It gives you the breakdown of their gross, what they’re pacing for the month, really gives you a good guideline.

When you go to the fixed ops side, you can actually see exactly where your sales are for the month, what you’re pacing, what your two-month average is, what your three-month average is.

You’ll never be able to go backwards once you have it. You’ll never be able to go back to the old ways of operating a business.”