Prospect AI

Identify potential sales sitting in your database.

It can be tough to determine which leads are worth pursuing. Going after the wrong leads can cost your dealership time and resources, not to mention you miss out on profitable opportunities.

Prospect AI leverages a combination of demographic, behavioral, and transactional data to identify individuals with a high propensity to buy. Using information stored in the Spark AI data layer, it can pinpoint who is likely to buy, what they are likely to buy, and how they are likely to buy it – finance, lease, or cash.

Image of salesman typing on computer in dealership. Client record overlaid on top of photo.

Benefits of Prospect AI

XtreamService in use on a computer
  • Intelligent
    Use multiple data points to identify potential buyers that would normally be overlooked.
  • Profitable
    Target the individuals in your database with the highest propensity to buy.
  • Automated
    Receive real-time notifications when a high-quality lead comes into your service lane.
  • Effective
    Lead customers into sales conversations naturally with suggested vehicles and payments based on their unique situation.

Data-Backed Decisions

Prospect AI utilizes a collection of data points to determine not only if a person will buy, but what they will buy. This information is automatically shared with your team to act on.

Dealer view of Prospect AI analytics ratings

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