Advanced Service Follow-Up

Streamline your service follow-up.

Customers can have a variety of reasons for declining a service. Factors like budget, urgency, and impact can all play a role in that choice. The key is to make sure that when customers are ready for those repairs, they come back to you.

Advanced Service Follow-Up helps you keep customers coming back for service rather than losing them to independent service facilities. It manages all recurring customer communications from direct mail to email and automatically triggers reminders to be sent based on the urgency of declined services, as noted in Reynolds Advanced Service.

Benefits of Advanced Service Follow-Up

Hand holding smartphone with a service email on it.
  • Automated
    Give your advisors a chance to prioritize other tasks while an automated system does the work of recapturing profitable jobs.
  • Connected
    Seamlessly connect to information in your Reynolds database to send relevant, accurate, and timely messages about vehicle service needs.
  • Dynamic
    Send follow-up reminders tailored to individual customers and the urgency of their recommended repairs.
  • Effective
    Create multiple chances to capture additional repair opportunities and boost profits in the service department.
  • Rewarding
    Recover lost profits by bringing back repair work that your customers initially declined.

Make the Most of Every RO

Get multiple opportunities to capture additional repair work from service customers.

Service Alert email reminding customer to complete recommended repairs with a promotion at the bottom.

What can you experience:

We started working with Advanced Service Follow-Up to specifically target customers who declined service recommendations. Our service manager has been receiving a lot of positive feedback - people thanking him for the reminder and even apologizing for not coming in to get the work done earlier.

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“In service this year, Advanced Service Follow-Up has helped us bring in 2,279 customers with email campaigns, which is 26% of our total ROs for the year.”

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After clicking submit, a specialist will contact you shortly to discuss your needs. We value your privacy and will not share your information with other third-party providers.

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Technical Assistance Center: 800.767.0080